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Image by Lina Trochez


Who We Are

We are a place where adults with special needs and their caregivers can socialize, play games, learn new skills, and enjoy life! We are passionate about inclusion and believe that by providing a space for people to come and interact, our centre is helping those whose lives might otherwise be lonely. Check out our Programs section for more information about the services we offer. 

A photograph of two men at the Rubia Centre. The man on the left is wearing a black sweater, black ball cap, and jeans while playing an acoustic guitar and singing into a microphone. The man on the right is wearing a blue dress shirt, jeans, and glasses while holding a microphone.
A photograph of the late Geraldine Rubia. She is pale-skinned, with light coloured, short hair, oval framed glasses, and a kind smile. She is wearing a pink top and has her hands folded in front of her.

Our History

The Geraldine Rubia Centre Inc. was founded by Geraldine Rubia, a recognized Newfoundland poet and writer. Formerly known as The Longside Club, a play on words that meant "come sit along side of me."

As the mother of a son with special needs, Geraldine saw the need for a place where adults with special needs and their caregivers could gather to socialize, learn and play. 

Our Board Members


Gary Furlong

Retired City Employee


Sherry Thorne

Home Support Worker


Sister Paula Delahunty, PBVM

Sister of Presentation, Retired Teacher

Vice President

Walter King

Respite Worker


Steve Chaytor

Respite Worker


Charlene Brophy

CEO and President of Foremed


Leon Mills, CAE, M.Ed, COHC

Executive Director at CHHA-NL


Sister Rosemary Ryan, RSM

Sister of Mercy, Retired Teacher


Madonna Power

Respite Worker

Our Supporters

In September 2016 the Centre was renamed in honour of its founder Geraldine Rubia and incorporated on October 29, 2018. It is governed by a Board of Directors. Its director and staff are all volunteers, thus no salaries are involved, and all donated financial assistance is used for supplies for the clients and the upkeep of the Centre.

A pink coloured, painted heart shape is surrounded by two orange handprints

We are extremely grateful to Smith Stockley Ltd., the owners of the building we use; to generous businesses and service clubs such as the Rotary Club and Verafin; to the Sisters of Mercy and Presentation Sisters and to many thoughtful individuals who support our Centre financially, materially and emotionally to enable us to operate the Geraldine Rubia Centre Inc.

Contact Us

Visit us at 41 Shaw Street

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